Nov 4, 2004

My heart is heavy...

another day of mourning!


Robert Schumacher said...

I agree...we are in for a rough four years. I'm glad I live in a "blue state" (Hawaii), which is quite different in many respects than the mainland (sometimes here you feel as if you are in a different nation). It's not perfect, but it is devoid of much of the right-wing fundamentilist BS that Bush pushes.

Nahmix, your blog is very nice. And I got a kick out of your post about the hair salon...bad service irritates the hell out of me, and the customer service world is getting worse every year. I'm very brand/store loyal, but only to those brands/stores that don't make a habit of screwing me over.

Take heart on one thing in the next four years...there are a lot of us (peace and freedom loving Americans) out there who agree with your assessment, and hopefully the one good thing to come out of a second Dubya term will be to unite all the opposition to end the dominance of the GOP and Bushies on our nation.

summer of sam said...

man...we need to start consulting each other about the content of our blogs. 'cause i got this same picture up. it's almost like showing up at prom wearing the same dress...or something like that.

chrome said...

miss mixer it's all good. dude got voted in by the people. the good thing is that democracy works. they wanted bushkin again. for four more years of B.S. Over here in the uk the people are already clamouring for someone like him. woe betide any soul who stands in their way. the march to the right continues. nice blog.