Nov 11, 2004


no, not as in the last book of the new testament...which right about now, I need to read and reevaluate my life, because I certainly haven't been following my Christian walk on the straight and narrow! But in any case, these revelations, I'm sure are things that I probably knew already, but chose to ignore!

1. I'm a poor student.
So I took my micro-econ midterm tonight, and surprisingly it wasn't as frightening as I made myself believe. With the cheat sheet we were allowed to have, I got through the midterm, not with ease, but enough that the partial credit God may bestow a few blessings upon me. Working through the problems, (which there were 8 that spanned 17-pages...17-PAGES) I realize that (1.) cheat sheets won't substitute knowledge you don't have and (2.) had I done a better job throughout the quarter of reading and studying properly, I could have done much better than I did. I don't believe I failed, but I'm thinking a very low C, and thats anticipating the curve...ouch!

2. I'm a poor student.
Yep, you read right, the the same revelation again. I have a paper due on Tuesday, which I haven't started. Yeah this may sound like the norm for the average college student, waiting until the semi-last minute to write a paper. Hey, afterall its just Thursday and I still have the weekend right? Wrong! I don't have the weekend. Friday night is The Roots concert. Saturday I have to go visit my friend's mom who just got out the hospital and I have to do my hair which is a 3 hour process (I have very thick locs). Sunday, I have church and from there I have to work from 3-8pm because its opening night for the second show of our season, Cherry Orchard.

And if I'm going to tell the truth, I'm not a college student anymore. I'm in graduate school. I feel too old to still be doing the same shit. Grad school was suppose to be a mature experience, yet I've successfully reduced it to an extended undergrad experience. But ok, fuckit, if I'm really really going to tell the truth, the paper is my real issue here. Its suppose to encompass at least two interviews, one with a cop and the other with social worker type both of whom need to work with gangs. Its also research heavy. Not only have I not done the research, I have yet to even meet the two people I intend to interview. Can I screw myself any harder! Damn!!!!

3. My apartment is a curse!
Yep, Michelle thank your lucky stars you didn't move in with me here. This place is a pretty dump and half, not to mention a curse. So shit don't work and hasn't gotten fixed. The landlord is a BITCH. Every utility and additional service has acted an ass. From the electricity to the gas to the plumbing to cable to the damn DSL and guess what, those aren't even the real curses. I got a death threat left on my home voicemail on Sunday that I just discovered today, while at work. Yep, you read that right...a death threat, a full fledge...moan and groan with an "I'm gonna kill you bitch" at the end, not once, not twice, but 3 fucking times. W-T-F? So, I reported it to the police tonight. Tomorrow a trace is being placed on my line. The stupid son of a bitch called from a number that shows up on my caller ID, yet, I have no clue who, how or why the fuck me! So, pray that this is all handled with care!!!

4. French fries, ketchup and driving don't mix.
No matter how many times I try to do it, eating and driving don't mix. Why can't I get that through my head already?? So, not only did I try to eat french fries and drive, I had the nerve to try dipping them in ketchup too. STUPID. Its inevitable that one will either spill the fries, spill the ketchup, hit a car or worse hit a pedestrian. Well today, I spilled the kecthup, and all over my if I don't already have a shit load of clothes I can't afford to take to the cleaners. I swear, I'm like the biggest TARD to walk the earth.

5. Emotional eaters must avoid routes with quick food.
Why was I eating those darn fries anyway? Well, my anxiety was running so high on the way to my exam that I suddenly felt hungry...or not really! Its more like I spotted a McDonalds a few feet ahead and decided french fries would soothe the anxiety that I would never have been feeling, had I been a better student. I swear I need help quick, fast and in a hurry...forreal!!!

So there you have, I'm feeling like a royal mess right about now! So, I have to go, work at 7:30 tomorrow morning. No big deal though, I'm leaving that place at 4pm. The Roots, here I come!!!



Anonymous said...


You sound like I feel. It has been a pretty hellish week for me, full of similar realizations about my own horrible habits. I had a meeting with the head of my orals committee this morning, but waited until 11:00 last night to work on my reading list. I had to lead the discussion in the HUMA course that I intern, and waited until last night to write out the notes for that. One of my favorite professors from undergrad came to the Race Center to give a talk, and I didn't take (have) the time to read her paper before going to her talk. And to top it off, I invited my boyfriend to come and visit me this weekend, forgetting that I have Roots tickets for tomorrow night. That makes me ridiculously forgetful, horribly disorganized, and a terrible procrastinator. Plus, I've had McDonald's three times this week because it's quick and I, too, am an emotional eater. Plus, I had to come up off of $85 for a touch-up on Tuesday. And I have to do a lecture, classroom observation, and hold four writing seminars next week, none of which I'm prepared for. It's not even funny, how haphazard my shit has been this quarter. But I guess that's just how you do when you're in your twenties. Flying by the seat of your pants. Aging yourself unnecessarily.

Abeni said...

Chile,give thanks.Never a dul moment huh:)

summer of sam said...

let the chu'ch say amen...

nigga i will give you a touch up for free. and i'll base your head real good.