Dec 26, 2004

Holiday in Los Angeles...

I feel like its been forever since I've been on here. Aside from not having had much to say, I've been pretty damn tired! Tired of what, I'm not quite sure, but tired nonetheless!

I'm in LA visiting family and friends and having a damn good time! I haven't done much other than hang out with four of my girls Jocelyn, Rebecca, Terilyn and Aquyla at the house, play games and watch tv, but I've enjoyed every minute of it. I'm suppose to have drinks with my other girl Maya but I'm officially BROKE, so I don't know if thats going to happen!

More than anything, I'm just soaking up this warm weather and dreading going back home to the Chicago cold. I don't know if I can handle it after being here for three days, but I'll be home on the 27th. Unfortunately, I go back to work on the 28th. I tell you this 9-5 shit ain't easy at all. I need to hurry up and finish school, so I can figure out something else to do!!

Happy Holidays!



Anonymous said...

You got my sympathy on the 9-to-5 thing. Fucking with office jobs is what made me finally decide to get my Ph.D. I just couldn't do it.

Abeni said...

Happy holidays.Poor you having to face that Chicago cold after LA