Jan 31, 2005

The end has come...anyone surprised?

Beyoncé Knowles has hinted Destiny's Child may have reached the end of the road, according to a report on Ananova.com, but it's no great shakes for this sexy singer; she's forged a successful solo career outside of the band.

Beyoncé said the group's latest album, Destiny Fulfilled, may be their last. "Maybe in five years we'll do another record, maybe not," she said. "We could do a reunion but we can't be 40 doing 'Bootylicious'."

Beyoncé recently admitted she and bandmates Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams couldn't stop gassing when they reunited to record the new album, the report said. "The first day, we didn't get anything done. We just talked and laughed and felt like we were home," she said.

Michelle added the girls' time apart improved them as a band "It was good for us to each go out and do our own thing," she said. "When you're in the studio by yourself, you have to grow musically and learn to depend on yourself.

"So when we got back together, we knew how we each wanted to sound."


Anonymous said...

I mean, I guess that Michelle's quote would make sense if every song didn't sound like a Beyonce song.

summer of sam said...

i predicted this shit like dionne warwick...

chrome said...

welcome to the psychic network. where every song sound like a beyonce song. good looking out nah nah

Jdid said...

kids grow up, groups split, it just happens. besides its not like they are really growing as a group anyway.

nahmix said...

Its just so funny to me how the media keep claiming how they're hinting to it. It's like fuck, they were over after the second album!