Feb 4, 2005

101 things that will confirm that I'm...


Thanks fecundmellow for the challenge!

1. My full name is Maegen Janine Rose.

2. My my mom pronounces my name (May-gen) and my dad pronounces it (Mee-gan), but both agree that my last name is Rose.

3. All but 3 members of my family are still married.

4. I wish I was closer to my extended family.

5. I saw E.T. as a child and it scared the living shit out of me!

6. My favorite movie when I was a kid and as an adult is The Sound of Music.

7. My second favorite was Fame, and I still love that shit, too. If you can't tell, I like anything with singing and dancing!

8. My favorite movie of all time is probably School Daze. Again, the singing and dancing really appeals to me!

9. My first celebrity crush was Ricky Bell from New Edition.

10. My second celebrity crush was Hakeem from group The Boys....something about the boy groups!

11. I remember quite a few boys I liked in elementary school. I can't say any ever became a boyfriend.

12. I had a crush on a number of guys throughout high school and none of them went out with me.

13. This quarter, I have a crush on a professor, but I have a sneaky suspicion that he may be gay...story of my life!

14. I have always wanted to do a three way with two guys. I have some porn star desires, but I'm too much of a prude to act on it!

15. I was jealous of the amount of attention my sister got from my dad while she was in college, compared to what I've gotten my entire life.

16. I've been a nerd and a bookworm my entire life.

17. I have had the least number of partners than all of my friends.

18. I BELIEVE fucking a white guy is different from fucking a black guy.

19. I really love pugs.

20. I am addicted to pop culture.

21. I love big dark skin-ded men

22. I think I would be a serial monogamist, if I can have a relationship last longer than 5 months.

23. I've realized that I do have serious body image issues.

24. I wished my best friend put more effort into taking care of herself than listening to people who constantly bring her down!

25. I am jealous of people who can articulate their thoughts and feelings with great clarity and diction.

26. I've never felt like I fit into any circle. I'm even an outkast among the nerds!

27. I wish I had Ki-Toy's body.

28. I wish I had the kind of personality that gets attention!

29. I often think I'm really not that smart.

30. I really want to be in the entertainment industry, but I don't think I have what it takes.

31. I wish I was better read. There are so many authors I have yet to explore...Alice Walker, James Baldwin, Michelle Cliff, etc

32. I wish I had better comprehension skills.

33. I always feel foolish and super nervous before I speak in class.

34. I wish I was a better writer.

35. I often think people think I'm a snob.

36. I hate the sound of my own voice.

37. I love American Idol.

38. I love all legal/cop tv drama series.

39. I often hate my job and my boss.

40. I am seriously considering finding a new job!

41. I hate that I always get hit on by men old enough to be my grandfather.

42. My motivation and energy level is so low that I am knocking on depression's door again.

43. I feel like I don't know how to start a conversation.

44. I love to go to hip hop shows and wish that I was on the road as a tour manager.

45. I love to shop, but unfortunately, I don't have enough money to buy the kinds of clothes I would prefer to wear.

46. I love going to plays, museums and other cultural activities.

47. If I could sleep with one famous dude, it would be Steve Harris (The Practice).

48. I wish I had more money.

49. I think my family thinks that I am a lesbian (I'm not) because I have yet to bring a man home.

50. I have so many grand ideas, but often don't know how to take action on many of them.

51. Canada, Trindad, England and Amsterdam are the next four places I want to visit!

52. I worry that I am going to wake up and be 30 (5-years away) and still have no prospect of a serious relationship.

53. I always fear that I will miscarry or be unable to have children if and when the time came.

54. I use to wish that I had a more ethnic name like...Tanika! Then, I use to wish I had an African name like Anaya or Adenike.

55. I love Chinese buffets.

56. I really try to eat healthy, but sometimes I slip up.

57. Lately, I can't seem to be productive at anything.

58. I usually spend my weekend nights on the internet or in front of the tv...how pathetic.

59. I'm an Aquarius.

60. I feel lonely and isolated quite often.

61. I am extremely self-conscious.

62. My mother is from Belize and my dad is from St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

63. I use to get teased in school.

64. I really love Dancehall, Soca, Reggae, calypso and Punta Rock.

65. I hate seeing black men with white women.

66. I use to think that when you bought a house, the water was free.

67. I wish I could be queen of a dancehall.

68. I wish I would have done a photo journal of my grandmother like I said I wanted to in high school before her health completely deteriorated. She died in '03.

69. I'm grossed out when I see black women with white men, but not with men of other races.

70. I really want to travel throughout Africa and all of the Caribbean.

71. I've been to Belize, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

72. Drugs and alcohol scare me because my dad is an alcoholic.

73. I wish I had the confidence to call myself a poet.

74. I hate going out to party with nothing but skinny bitches!

73. A small part of me really wants to marry an NFL player.

74. The Roots are my favorite hip hop artist.

75. Common and Black Thought are my favorite emcees.

76. I wish I was a well respected music, literary or theatre critic.

77. Things Fall Apart and Midnight Marauders are my two favorite hip hop albums of all time.

78. I've considered pursuing acting!

76. I often think about terrible things that have happened to me.

77. I'm not good at video games or card games, but don't mess with a bitch when it comes to...you guessed it...Scrabble!

78. I wish I had a funkier/trendier sense of style.

79. I think my hair (love-locs) puts a lot of people off, especially men.

80. My favorite meal is Rice & Beans and Jerk Fish.

81. My favorite colors are black, red, brown and purple.

82. Some of my many grand ideas include: starting a t-shirt company, starting a trendy clothing line for size 14+ women and becoming a playwright.

83. I hate that my sister got all of the ass, while all I got was tits.

84. Speaking of tits, I use to think that my 3-D's were the most desirable thing about me.

85. I wish my mother would have taken up for me when family use to pick at my weight.

86. I wish my dad would have been the kind of father I wanted and needed him to be.

87. I hate that our relationship is just permanently rocky!

88. I wish that I could exhibit a deeper and more trusting faith in God.

89. I think no one in my immediate or extended family understands me.

90. My sister is one of the most genuine people I know, but damn she can work my nerves when she gets ready!

91. I wish my sister took better care of her body and health!

92. I wish my mother was less timid and more sassy in public!

93. I am so glad Safire introduced me to blogging!

94. I often wonder what would have become of my life to this point had I gone to a historically black college?

95. I wish I could have pledged and crossed Delta Sigma Theta.

96. I often wonder what would have become of my life had I not moved to Los Angeles from Chicago when I was 15.

97. I used to work at Kmart.

98. I wish I had more male friends.

99. A big part of me has considered giving up my semi-worldly life and joining the peace corp and then becoming a missionary in Africa.

100. When I die, I hope my legacy is simple, yet meaningful.

101. I wish I could get rid of the anxiety and awkwardness I feel as I know I will soon be making all of this public.

Your turn!



summer of sam said...

9. ricky bell? f'real? i don't think i've ever heard that before.

55. so does my grandmother!!! specially if they have seafood.

74. lmbao!!!!

this was mad interesting, yo. word up.

chrome said...

14. hmmmmmm freaky. free the mind and the body will follow. literally

25. my saliva is salivation/and diction crucifixion

48. I've been led to believe life is all about C.R.E.A.M

53. Irrational fear

64. cook up ya batty an' wind

77. you gotta read the book "things fall apart" by Chinua Achebe. made me rate the Roots something high for that title

great challenge. woof

nahmix said...

Summer...Ricky Bell is the shit!

Obi...I know I have some real irrational fears. Yes, I have read Achebe's Things Fall Apart. I think its one of the greatest books ever written! Aside from the album being classic, The Roots gets serious props for the title!

Jdid said...

14. Porn star desires. whoaaa! well that was unexpected, lol.
34. your writings pretty good dont knock yourself and the more you write the better you'll get.
42. I'm in that state again too, oh well it too shall pass
83. coulda been worse you coulda got neither

Abeni said...

14.Porn star desires? Freaky girl you are:)

38..So do I

64..love dancehall and soca too

81.Black and brown my fave colors

76.Often think about terrible things that have happened to me too

60. I feel lonely and isolated quite often.

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to the Roots right now, in tribute. I am so happy that you did this, because it really did reveal a lot to me that I didn't know. Plus, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out here with porn star fantasies. My item-by-item breakdown:

9, 10 - I've never heard of anybody liking Ricky Bell, either, but I was quite partial to Hakeem myself.

16 - That's real, so have I.

18 - I won't believe it until I see...er, feel it.

20 - I'm on that shit like crack. I mean, I actually asked for a subscription to Us Weekly for Christmas.

25 - You shouldn't be jealous; you do a great job of expressing yourself, even if you don't realize it.

26 - Amen!

27 - Hallelujah!

28 - I think you have a great personality, myself.

35 - I think people think I'm snotty, too.

48 - I want that shit more than I want bigger tits and a bigger ass.

51 - I'm down for any one of these trips. Wait? We said we were going to Carabana in August, right? Canada, here we come.

57, 60, 61 - I feel you.

63 - I know you're not going to believe me, but I did too.

76 - I keep telling myself I will be one day, but I have my doubts.

78 - I try to be funky, but I always end up looking preppy.

83 - HOLLA!!!

93 - You're welcome.

98 - A girl can never have too many dicks in a glass. Just playing.

100 - That's pretty fucking profound.

101 - Don't be anxious; at least you didn't give the entire blogging the impression that you're a lightweight hoe like my non-discretion-having ass.

nahmix said...

Safire...never got that impression!

shana p. said...

Just passing through....
ok... #65 and #69:
I would like to know why it upsets you to see a black man with a white woman - is it just a white thing in general? In case you want to know why I am asking... I have always been curious about this attitude but never had the nerve to ask anyone in person. I have a little nerve now that I am anonymous.

nahmix said...

Yeah...apart of it is just a white thing.

shana p. said...

what's the other part?

Anonymous said...

Let me touch on the things that I known about you and have come to know about you in our friendship of almost ten years. I'm not gonna hit on all 101 things but just the ones that I feel stand out the most and then my own commentary.

2. Girl you know why your family pronounces your name that way, cause they have serious accents and I love yo peeps.

12. Them dudes from high school are so beneath you. Girl you doing the damn thing while these fools ain't doing shit. # 4* LoL

13. Girl why you always having crushes on Professors?

14. A three way with two guys sounds hot but a little too much beef for me. Don't think I can handle a back door treatment and not big on the oral aspect. But it just might work. Porn star desires, well I say go for it. I secretly believe that you are a closet freek. Like in Petey Pablo's song freek-a-leek and all you need is a big black chocolate brotha to put it down.

17. I think we tie at this number.

26. Girl you are one of the most articulate and well spoken individuals that I know. I just think that most people can't accept brutal honesty, including me. You have such a big heart.

28. Your personality does get attention, I just think you want another type of attention than what you are getting.

29 &30. Girl you know you are smart and I believe that you have what it takes to make it in the industry. You are smart, savvy, and you get the job done. You just gotta believe you can do it and be your own cheerleader right next to me.

33. Girl you and me have that apprehension. Can't do nothing about it but try to reduce it. But hell thats what drives you to do better.

42. You know you can always call me for whatever. Seriously.

49. I think they think you are just selective.

52. Just love yourself and put faith in God. We've had this conversation before so I'm not gonna touch on it here but I will in our convos.

65&69. We have always disagreed here but I respect your opinion.

73. Thats new to me but it really shouldn't seeing that you had that crush in High School.

78. I have always been jealous of your style, and clothes and girl you get all gussied up.

83. We're in the same boat. Just gotta work with whatcha got, which for me ain't much but for Joce, alot. Damn I'm jealous.

85-92. You know I'm battling with my own demons but support you all the way.

96. Well I hate to sound selfish, but I'm glad that you moved to L.A. because if you didn't I wouldn't have met you and you would not have inspired or pushed me to accomplish the things that I have done. Ok damn you gonna make me cry.

Maegen, Even though you find certain things about yourself that you don't like, trust there is atleast a handful of people who like those things. Being around you and knowing you makes me want to achieve more in life. I know I don't say it often but you are one of my rocks to lean on. That is one of your strengths and it is that strength that gets you through situations that you think are tough or difficult. It is that same strength that is gonna make you a success in the industry. All ya gotta do is take that step because we both know that God answers our prays and sets us on the path for success. Love you girl.


ricky said...

Great start to blogging! Love your list. You sound like a person Canada would welcome, come on up an visit us. Keep blogging

Kelowna BC Canada