Feb 7, 2005

So now that the hangover is officially gone,

I'd like to thank all those who came out and celebrated my birthday with me and in spirt. Thanks to all who called and emailed me wonderful 25th birthday wishes and lots of love!!! I had a damn good time on Saturday!!! (2/5 --- 2-5 all the way bitches)

As far as I remember, I had 3 Stoley's Around the World (© Reese, 2004). I'm told thats the equivolent of 12 shots of vodka. I then leaped into a vile display of public drunkenness, which banned my reentry into Club Divine. Fuck them haterz!

Who would have thought that a lovely gathering of beautiful black women for an afternoon of theatre at Steppenwolf and lunch at Hey Sushi, would end with me making love to a toilet as I puked the entire contents of my stomach!!!

Check out the two sexy bitches who held my hair while I puked, got me undressed and into bed! Well, really only that flyy bitch Summer in the pink because Safire's ass was quite gone herself. But hey, she didn't cheat on her man and thats what counts!

This coming Saturday...it's all about Summer as we celebrate our birthdays (me again) and the golden age of hip hop!!!!

They the realest!!!!



Abeni said...

Happy belated birthday!

Jdid said...

sounds like you had some fun. denied reentry into the club? haters!

summer of sam said...

my toilet misses you.

Anonymous said...

Man, if you thought the 2-5 was some shit, wait till a bitch celebrates her 3-0 next year. It's gon' be off the chi-zain.

The Humanity Critic said...

Happy belated Birthday sweetheart..

nahmix said...

Thanks Abeni and HC!

Saf..I plan to be there!

Anonymous said...

Uh, how about you update your blog, lady? You know us compulsive bloggers be fiendin'...

summer of sam said...

i know, right? i mean, damn. i don't wanna have to write about the party.

nahmix said...

Ok, I got y'all.