Mar 5, 2005

A Toast....

One of the things that I have come to realize over the past couple of months, is that there is a significant difference in liquor quality by brand. I've been around drinkers my entire life. However, I was never much of a drinker so I couldn't have told you the difference between vodka and gin. All I knew was rum and it was the same kind of poison to me. Yeah, I'm an admitted lightweight (a la Safire).

But, thanks to Safire and especially Summer (the ultimate vodka drinker), I've learned so much more. So, I offer this post as a toast to those two lovely bitches because last night, I passed out with a smile.

My job had a small going away party for one of our director extraordinnaires at a trendy spot in Lincoln Park. The executive director opened up a tab for all of us employees. As I got myself comfortable and greeted a few folks, I listened as some of my co-workers ordered drinks. I was shocked when I overheard the waiter asking about types and brands of liquor desired in those drinks and I heard a few respond Skyy and Bacardi?!?! Now, again I don't know much about liquor; but I do know that on someone else's dime...namely our executive director's, a dry humored, "old boys club" kind of leader, I sure as hell wasn't drinking a Skyy or Bacardi anything. I took notes when Summer and I went liquor shopping for the birthday party. Let's just say that I was that Grey Goose bitch all night. Had I not gotten so fucked up behind it despite having to drive home, I would have had a shot of Patron for the road!

I figure, for as much work as I do and as little pay as I receive for the amount of bullshit I have to put up with, they owe me an open tab at least two nights a week. Am I wrong?



P.S. Before leaving I learned that Grey Goose is the official sponsor of one of our upcoming events. Can you guess who's working that event??


summer of sam said...

can i work that event, too?

you know how i feel about my goose.

btw, we might have to switch and start drinking don julio, as patron was mentioned in an usher song. (i try my best not to drink things mentioned in songs.)

you might also give belvedere citron and lemonade a shot. it aint' bad.

Jdid said...

grey goose and a whole lot of hydro. :-)

got to admit the goose is kinda nice. want to try that armadale ish that dem rockafella folks are always going on about though.

rum still rules though :-)

chrome said...

all goosed out huh? nice. I'm thirsty already. don't drink and drive though.

my thing is barcardi, coke, lemon and crushed ice. Good ol' Guiness punch for breakfast. rum to blow up the spot