Jan 20, 2006

Belated New Year...

Well, I'm back! It's taken me a while to post this brief note, but I'm glad to do it. It's a new year and I can honestly say I feel good about it. As a matter of fact, I feel hopeful that this year will be rich with possiblities and that's definitely a first for me.

In the past, I'd start a new year with a laundry of do's and don'ts and promises to make change that I never make good on, only to end the year feeling like a complete failure. However, as 2005 closed, none of those feelings prevailed. Instead, I welcomed 2006 because I knew that after the stress of the previous year and the many lessons learned, it could only be better.

So, no resolutions for me this year. No sweeping statements about how different my life is going to be and no grand "to do" list to share with you. In 2006, I just want to be happy; and I want to find that happiness and all it entails in whatever form it comes.

As it stands, I have so much to look forward to and to be grateful for this year.

1.) I started a new job on January 9th. I'm now the Project Manager for a university affiliated charter school corporation. It's a huge step in the right direction both professionally and financially.

2.) I turn 26 on February 5th and I didn't gasp for air as I typed that either.

3.) I reinitiated the homebuying process and have my first SERIOUS counseling session on February 15th.

4.) I graduate with my Masters in Social Service Administration on March 17th. Forreal this time! :-)

5.) I work in the Christian Education department of my church and I helped to outline a calendar of events for our kids that will be enriching and fun!

6.) I have no doubt that there will be serious bumps in the road, but I have faith that I'll endure; and that's really all that I need!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Best wishes for happiness in 2006!


chrome said...

welcome back sweetheart. for a minute i thought you'd jumped blogosphere.

yup! big tings in the year '06. just reading your future runnings got me thinking I gotta step up.

happy b'day in advance.

ps: feeling the profile pic. nice.

Abeni said...

Welcome back and huge congrats on all you achieved thus far!You go,girl!

Nic pic for real.

Windsongpoetry said...

right on! thats awesome!

Jdid said...

seems like you have alot going on. congrats on finishng up school and the new job and all that.

princessdominique said...

Happy New Year. That's a beautiful picture! It'll happen. All of it.

lilmzbabygrl said...

Wow... no wonder you haven't been here so much... congrats on all the acheivements. You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Way to make a beyotch feel like a big, fat loser, nig. Just kidding - you continue to be my role model, yo. It's cool that you have so much going on, and that you feel good about it.

chrome said...

hey happy b'day sweetheart. hope you had a good one. now drop the post like that!

nahmix said...

@ all...thank for the love. 5 short weeks to go!

Waddie G. said...

congratulations...it seems like you have a lot going on these next two months...you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Yo Nahmix, random blog drop in yo. 26? You are just a baby! Lots of big stuff going on for you but you got your head on right, right?

Romans 12:12
