I don't know why I bother...
I can only hope that someday, if I am ever blessed with a son, and one that has achieved the level of celebrity and wealth that Diddy has, I'd have more sense than to step out in public the way Janice Combs does repeatedly. You've seen her and that big heap of "Oh Hell Nah" from head to toe! I mean...just plain old tacky! I'm convinced, there HAS to be something wrong with this woman.
Her sense of style suggests that she does not have access to a fashion consultant. We all no otherwise. Hell, her own son was voted best designer of like 2005 or 2004. I'm not a huge Diddy fan, but I'll give credit where credit is due. The brothah can design some clothes and pick some nice pieces for women. Kim Porter never stepped out with him looking a hot mess...and I'm sure that wasn't just by her own doing.
But it's not just about how awful Janice's clothes are, it's her entire look from head to toe! So, she wants to be platinum and honey blond as the seasons change; all jokes and personal politics aside; I can meet a bitch right where she is and let her have that hair color. But what I can't do, is understand or even accept that what she does with that hair is her very best. I mean, has she not met MJB. Has she not seen MJB in a magazine, a video, at a party, somewhere? Mary will rock some of the most outlandish shades of blond and off the wall hair styles possible. No, they all might not be that hot shit...but damn, she tries! I know effort don't mean much when the paparazzi splashes your tacky ass all over the magazines, but dayum!! I'm not suggesting that Janice move from her personal extreme to Mary's, but I am asking that she take more than a cursory glance at her notion of style!
Why can't Janice look the part, just once?? This woman is somebody's mother and grandmother, hell friend and sister! You mean noone can sit this heffa down and say, "look bitch, this shit has got to stop?" I would love to see her, just once, not look like the ghetto bride of Frankenstein. With all the money they have???...(sighs) But it's true, money can't can't buy happiness no more than it can self respect! If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look! This is just criminal!!!
Plain wrong.She needs to turn up on what not to wear
I saw on one of them MTV "specials" (read shown a hundred times) and mama looked terrible.
we've got to put her in a reality show wid Stallone's mum and the Versace woman. erm who'ld complete the line up? (thinking of some other "hell nah" lady)
I love that you got the Hall of Shame photos of ol' girl up on here. She is someone that I have raked over the coals repeatedly on the blog because, as you so eloquently explained, she just won't do right. I'm saying, if Puffy can smack Misa up back-in-the-day for mouthing off in board meetings then can't he take that same sassafras and pull Mama to the side, holler at her? I mean, he is the one cutting the checks for this tacky-ass shit after all.
I mean, wha?
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