Jul 29, 2004

I asked God to teach me Patience!

So last night or better yet early this morning, sometime after 1am, my hard drive crashed. I mean completely dead, everything that was ever on there is gone. I panicked; I love that computer; I am addicted to it. That computer is my lifeline. My motto use to be, I rather be homeless with a working computer, than in a home without a computer! Sick I know, but I've been asking God for help everyday. I asked to learn patience and God said, well nows the perfect time to start that lesson!

Thanks to my friend, Becky...who talked me through my panicked state. I was prepared for this to be an expensive problem, which would have just bombarded me even more. Its like...I have so much hanging over my head at this moment, that I can't handle another expense. Fortunately, I remembered my mom purchasing an extended warranty for me a while back. I found the info I needed and called Circuit City up. It turns out that my computer is going to be fixed at no expense to me. Sure I lost everything that was ever on there, but strangely....it doesn't even really bother me the way I would have expected it to. It just so happened that nothing of major importance was on there anyway, just a ton of junk. This new hard drive is just what I need to start over. Yeah, that means starting over with my ipod too, but i'm sure thats meant to be a good thing anyways!

Its going to take 7-10 days to be fixed and then shipped back to me. So all and all, I'll be without my computer for a max of 14 days. For an addict thats a long time without nightly fixes, but I'm ready for the lesson in this all!



foolygoofy said...

Aaaaaa...those moments. I had one like it, yet little by little it healed, imaging I was working on a computer program on my laptop and I finished a prototype and the next day was the presentation so I was like, let's celebrate and I stop for sushi...the thing was when I returned to the car I remembered I left the bag on the back sit and now my back window was open. =(...it's been 2 months, I'm still not over it...my Toshiba, my program so be happy, you are sooo lucky you got it back. Lesson here...back up the things you really like.

nahmix said...

Thanks for the advance. Not to worry, I learned my lesson!!! Sorry about your situation!
