Oct 31, 2004

Just when I thought it was safe...

for me to return to a hair salon...I gets treated like a_______________!

So, I made an appointment the week before last at the Yehia on 53rd for this past Saturday. My locs are in desperate need of touching up and I just haven't had the time or the energy to do anything with them. A friend of mine referred me to her stylist, who then referred me to another woman in the salon who does locs. I was cool with this and I actually appreciated her honesty about not doing locs. Some heffas would have scheduled you and took your money knowing full well they don't know the first thing about some locs.

Well I get to my 3:30 appointment at 3:25. I walked over to the sistah that I thought was gonna do my hair. She took one look at me, in the middle of her press-n-curl or whateva it was, comes over to my head and starts picking through it and says..."oh, you gonna have to come back on Tuesday, its gonna take a little longer for me to do yo hair because you have some that are double and triple combined."

Excuse me...W-T-F?????

I couldn't believe my ears. The nerve of her to pick at my head and then tell me how it was gonna take longer. I have locs, extremely thick locs at that. I made this clear! What the hell did she expect???

But it's alright because I know the deal. She did what a lot of greedy trifling stylists do...SHE OVER-BOOKED!!!

I know its been a while since I've been in a salon, but I KNOW beauty shop culture. I was a regular once upon a time. I had no expectation whatsoever, that she would be just sitting around waiting for me, but I did expect that since I made an appointment (and almost a week in advance) that my hair would be given the appropriate amount of time and attention. I don't think thats too much to ask of the person I'm about to pay for service.

Its moments like that one, that I wish I was a straight up ghetto fabulous bitch! I would have given her a few choice words and went on about my business, never looking back! But instead, trying to be the polite and often mousy sistah that I often am, I rescheduled my appointment for the following Friday.

Even while rescheduling the appointment, I knew I wouldn't be stepping foot back in anybody's Yehia! Standing there, I was already well on my way to Tribesmen on Indiana. Thats where I should have gone in the first place!!

I might not be a ghetto fabulous bitch, but she won't be getting a second chance on my head! What if I had something special planned? I would have been screwed!!!

So needless to say, calling to cancel that appointment...I THINK NOT. My ass ain't showing up...PERIOD!!!

Take that!



Abeni said...

You definitely needed to break out of the mousy sista role and give them some choice words.Me,I was demanding service!

summer of sam said...

you know, i had my first appointment in a minute this past thursday, and i gotta say i was prepared to be ignant. but they hooked a sista up...i ain't got no hair now, but i was out in an hour.

Jdid said...

lol, the dramas of the beauty salon. never been there thankfully but I feel your pain cause I;ve heard the stories. its ruff sista

nahmix said...


Yeah...I know!!! I'm not always mousy, but sometimes...I bite my tongue and punk out. I wouldn't have demanded service though...two people you never mess with...the one preparing your food and the other doing your hair!!


Did you get your hair done at A Yehia?


It's some unnecessary drama!! Be glad you don't have to go through the BS!

summer of sam said...

of course i didn't. i went to this spot in the west loop called ajes (pronounced aj's).

Love Eternally said...

Baby, that is just how they are. I stopped going there a while ago.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for recommending that you go to Yehia. The girl that does my hair - Lisa - is pretty decent so I thought hey... I'll throw some more business her way. But I won't do that shit again. I can't stand when people that work in public service act like they're doing your ass a favor, when they know they're not letting you out of their establishment without taking some of your money. W-T-F?

nahmix said...

Not your fault at all. No worries!! There was a reason I stayed away from salons for over 4 years. I should have followed my first mind. I did my shit myself this weekend and its been non stop compliments.