Nov 22, 2004

Can you spare $1.00?

It has be announced that the famous Dance Theater of Harlem has closed its doors this weekend. The cofounder, Arthur Mitchell, is $2 million in debt and Government funding that he usually gets have been halted!

Let's help the children. How many black people are here in America alone? Over 38 million. Can we each just send a dollar? Take the coins out of your change purse and send it to the Theater. 1 dollar x 38 million = $38,000,000.

This is a great loss to our community,the world and most of all our children. The Theater was opened in 1969 and has been an institution using the art of dance to bring hope to the lives and minds of youths who otherwise would be getting into trouble. What happens now? Where will the next Gregory Hines or Debbie Allen come from?

Don't bother with any websites claiming to raise funds for the Theater. After administrative fees are taken out there won't be anything left to donate.

Send your tax deductible dollar or any donation directly to:

The Dance Theater of Harlem
466 W. 152 St.
New York, NY 10031

Let's get the funds to DTH by Thanksgiving! Our holiday gift to the children.

Read more about this cultural institution: SAVE DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM


Abeni said...

Very worthy cause.Hope it reopens soon

summer of sam said...

word, man. i'ma do that shit.

nahmix said...

Yeah, me too!!!

Robert Schumacher said...

We have a holiday tradition, we each pick two causes to donate to each year. This is one of mine.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Anonymous said...

If nigs can spend hundreds of dollars on rims, then they should be able and willing to send a dollar to the DTH. I'm sending mine. And I'm also posting a link to this blog entry, so the word gets out.