Nov 28, 2004

*Diary of a Mad Black Woman*

Steve Harris, one of my all time favorite actors is in a new movie! I love him and I can't wait for it to come out in January 2005!

Diary of a Mad Black Woman
(a Tyler Perry production)

Check it out: Movie Trailer



summer of sam said...

is tyler perry the chiltlin circuit dude?

'member when steve was skinny? you know, in sugar hill.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry is indeed that chit'lin circuit dude. He may be a millionaire success story, but his shit is back-assward. Straight tom-coonery. And the title of that movie. Stereotypical as hell. I mean, I call myself Safire, but that shit is ironic. I'm tired of seeing black women characterized as angry bitches. Can't we be vulnerable or some shit. And by that, I don't mean victimized.


nahmix said...

Oh no...say it aint so...Chitlin Circuit??? Whats the deal? I thought Tyler Perry's work was of Christian value. I've never seen any of his productions, but I thought this was a spin off his Medea character? Please tell me my main man ain't apart of something triflin???

nahmix said...

Oh, yeah Summer...I remember his skinnier days of Sugar Hill. That man is gorgeous!!!