Jan 9, 2005

A Thuggish Ruggish Disaster...

So Thursday night was the experience of all my concert going experiences! As I've said numerous times, I have been to quite a few hip hop shows and I love the HOB and all, but I don't know what the fuck I took part in on Thursday night! I went to see Bone Thugs-n-Harmony and it was the kind of concert where you and your crew leave the show and all you can tragically sum up the experience as is...Niggas! Yes, as much as I hate to use the word and normally wouldn't, I'm lost as to what else to say about it. I can't even be bothered to try to write a full review of the show, but I can write a list of things an artist or group should never subject a paying audience to:

1. Don't ever book a show under the group's name, if the WHOLE group won't be in attendance! I knew ahead of time that Flesh was in jail (life sentence I believe) so I didn't expect him to be there, but where the fuck were Wish and Crazey? Yes you read correctly, Bone Thugs, a five member group, was only two on Thursday, Bizzy Bone and Lazey Bone.

2. Don't ever think that because you offer some weak ass explanation of why more than half your group ain't present that, thats somehow satisfactory. And sorry, Wish going through some thangs and Crazey going through some thangs ain't an explanation. Hell, all of us go through some thangs every damn day, but we still get up and take our black asses to work! It's fucking called RESPONSIBILITY! And no, tossing out that bit of info ain't "keepin' it real." Niggas kill me with that "keepin' it real" shit! Real about what?..the fact that y'all are some drunk ass, doped up degenerates that can't even be bothered to take advantage of the fact that y'all have a cult like following. That show sold out. There is serious money to still be made even with no new material! Come the fuck on!

3. Don't ever lipsync your show. Ain't no way in hell missing 3 group members, those songs should have sounded exactly like the damn album. If I wanted to fuckin hear the album, wouldn't I have just stayed the fuck home and played that shit? Ain't the point of a concert to see, hear and all around experience that shit LIVE?

4. Don't ever have 11 people on stage with you just chillin' when more than half your group is missing. Them muthafuckas didn't contribute shit to the performance. Why the fuck were they up there?

5. Don't ever have an almost full bar on stage catered for you and a bunch of unneccessary muthafuckas on stage with you. Why the fuck would they need beer and water stocked for them too? They didn't do shit!!!

6. Don't ever down a whole bottle of Hennessy on stage and get so fucked that not only can you not keep up with the flow of the music, but then are unwilling to get off the stage at the end of the show, even as the curtains are closing on your ass. What the fuck was that about Bizzy?

7. Don't ever ask the audience to toss some weed on stage for you. Y'all niggas got money. Folks work too damn hard for their paychecks and had to buy a ticket and their weed and now you want folks to share? Fuck y'all and the 3 idiots who threw blunts on stage for y'all!

8. Don't ever think the crowd is so damn live and the energy is so hyped that you and your entourage can take bottles of water and dump it out onto the crowd. What?? Usually I'm that bitch right down in front of the stage, but thank God I had VIP to this shit. Otherwise, my ass would have been highly pissed had a nigga wet this hair...it would've been ON. Everybody don't have that wash-n-go shit, nor should they be forced to walk to their cars fuckin' soaked in 26 degree weather!

9. Don't ever have your Dj think that folks paid to see his ass. He's the fuckin' hype man...he should have been hyping y'all, not his mediocre ass Dj-ing skills. And speaking of Djs, don't ever allow him to announce the name of the hotel where y'all are staying because nobody cares. I mean really...should women have been breaking there necks to get there?? Even if a few were checkin for y'all after the show, neither one of y'all were coherent enough to fuck! I guess the Dj was just trying to get some ass!

10. If you're going to bring one of your new artists along with you and allow them to sing a couple of their songs...make sure they can actually sing. That little mousey voiced bitch Felicity could not sing. Check for her album this summer...nigga please! She made Ashanti's ass sound like Whitney Houston and we know ms. oooo baby, aaah baby, can't sing!

11. Don't ever think your half-assed lipsynced show was so damn hot that you need to jump into the audience (like you're about to mosh or crowd surf or something) at the end! Lazey Bone you could've kept that shit. Just another instance of how fuckin' pissed I would've been had I been forced to touch any part of that intoxicated body had I been down front!

I tell you about these rap niggas!



summer of sam said...


i feel that i need to discuss the experience of the show with you in person. this is like the funniest shit ever, but i feel that it could be even funnier if i talked to you about it.

chrome said...

I know the deal. went to see wu-tang years ago. we waited for 4 hours for these guys. at the end who turns up? Ol' Dirty Bastard. doesnt bother to apologise. he proceeded to rap the whole "Enter the wu-tang" his damn self. mad man. you gotta laugh at these nigguz sometimes.

nahmix said...

Oh, I'll tell you about it Summer, because I'm sure my ass will still be pissed the next time I see you.

Obi, I ain't surprised about Wu not one bit. All them niggas were crazy from the jump. Apparently so is Bone I learned later. Thank God I didn't pay for that!

lilmzbabygrl said...

You know, I learned a long time ago not to ever pay for a Bone Thugs show...

Being from Cleveland, and knowing these niggas (I know Layzie's baby momma and Wish's best friend)I would never go see them. It ain't been the same since that Mo Thugs bullshit... and they always trying to hype some non siging bitches... remember them bitches from Tha Crossroads?

E 99 Eternal was and is still the best Bone Thugs album... they need to just hang it up and move on with life. Bizzy need to chill out with his 6 (or is it 7) kids, and Layzie need to quit too...

And there is no excuse for them to promote a show when all members that are NOT in prison can't bring they asses. Makes me sad, they had so much potential...

Jdid said...

i feel your pain sistren. thats ridiculous.

thank god I've never been to a completely wack show like that but I get pissed at the performance ethic of these guys. We pay good money to go see them and they dont have the respect to give us a good show. Thats just wrong

Abeni said...

Wow.I woulda be looking to get some money back

nahmix said...

Miss Jessi,

Michelle told me about Bone's notorious concert antics the next day. Had I known, I likely woudn't have gone.

No worries Jdid and Abeni, I got in for free.

nahmix said...

Khem...I didn't have high expectations, but I didn't expect what I got either! A friend hooked me with free tix to the show, so I decided to go. I ain't ashamed to say I was a Bone fan, big time when they first dropped, so I thought this little reunion was gonna be something hot, was I ever wrong! Those niggas are talented, but I had no idea they were that messed up!