Nov 10, 2005

A Well-Deserved Salute!!

By now you all know exactly how I feel about children, specifically, badass children. But in case you don't, I depise them. Well, not really despise, but I have a strong dislike for unruly children and their obnoxious parents. It's frustrating to me that while out shopping or dining, I am often confronted with out of control children. You know the kind. They are the ones that are yelling, whining, spitting, throwing things across the table, or my personal favorite, running around a store knocking shit over. I abhor such behavior.

However, I do everything humanly possible to not blow when I encounter these situations. I really try hard to remain calm and not hate the kids because deep down I know that kids will only be as well-behaved as their parents demand. And considering that we live in a society where far too many parents don't parent, but instead, befriend their children; we're all just doomed to live in a world overrun by badass kids. But, all is certainly not lost. It was the closing story on yesterday's NBC Channel 5 news that offered me just a glimmer of hope that the war to make children better behaved in public might be underway.

This sign appears in the window of A Taste of Heaven restaurant on Chicago's northside.

Click on the picture to enlarge it. If you still can't see the text, the sign reads: "Children of all ages have to behave and use their indoor voices when they come in A Taste of Heaven."

As the reporter continued with the story, I thought, what a tremendous step forward for the rights of the "dincs and sincs" of the world. The sign, simple, colorful and visually child-friendly is quite explicit. And from the reactions of a few of the parents interviewed, it's a direct shot at them. That sign, though placed at a child's eye-level, ever so pleasantly says to parents...CONTROL YOUR F*CKING KIDS. I can't express just how validated I feel by restaurant manager, Paul McCauley's act of bravery.

From the interviews, a number of parents were truly upset by this sign. One parent, Kate Bremmer was quoted as saying "I've e-mailed friends and said, 'Just so you know, this man has a sign up. I know there are lots of other options, and I'd encourage you not to go there." And my response to Kate Bremmer and other parents who feel this way is f*ck off then. If you can't take care to redirect your children's behavior in public spaces, especially when others are bothered by it, then you shouldn't have the right to patronize the establishment. Moreover, stay your ass at home and indulge your children in any way you want.

Noone can force parents to parent, but parents certainly shouldn't force others to put up with their children. So with that said, I salute A Taste of Heaven restaurant for daring to confront parents with their own shit. And to Paul McCauley, hats off for indignantly maintaining that you will not take the sign down!

If you find yourself in the neighborhood, stop in for meal or just admire the sign!

Located at: 5401 N. Clark Street

Full Story: Here

*dinc=dual income no children
*sinc=single income no children


Abeni said...

ditto.You don't allow them to ru n wild in church so not too early to teach them how to behave in a restaurant sitting.

Jdid said...

its about control (lawd ave mercy i hope i can handle mine when the time comes) but i agree way too many parents let their kids run wild in public places and just do nothing.

if you teach them how to behave from early then they wont embarass you in public. of course the issue is that most of these parents just arent embarssed by the bad behavior so they dont care

Unknown said...

I hate rude, unruly children myself, those little monsters. But I think the little monstaers are created by their parents. If parents are not firm and dont teach their children to behave themselves then the will become lttle disgusting brats.

chrome said...

the sign's hilarious. the whole kid thing is an issue here in the UK. if u're kid misbehaves in a resturant what to do? smack. get arrested.

Unknown said...

wow this is pure comedy i love it sattire of sorts... its true really how many times do u give the kid or the parent a look and they act like they dont see you over there trying to have a decent meal in peace......
kudos to the dude!!