Feb 16, 2007

Saturday Night Live

If you haven't been watching SNL this season, you've been missing out a few gems. Check it out...

Host: Drew Barrymore
Sketch: Body Fusion (Digital Short)

Host: Jeremy Piven
Sketch: Two A-Holes at an Adoption Agency

Host: Jake Gyllenhall
Sketch: Bronx Beat

Host: Justin Timberlake
Sketch: A Special Christmas Box (Digital Short)


Alison said...

I heart Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph. A lot. And I loved the adoption agency one. Why are rabbits always mentioned? He He He

Anonymous said...


My dick in a box...

Groudhog Day...

My dick in a box...

Not even trying to be funny, but they should have done a remix with Lorena Bobbitt doing a rhyme.

"My Dick in the Grass" or some shit...

Jdid said...

i havent watched since the election