Sep 7, 2004

A New Job and all that Jazz

I started my new job today. I am a Development Associate for Steppenwolf Theatre Company, reknowned worldclass theatre. I am so excited because this is my first non-school, non-program, permanent kind of job. This is the real deal job as in a stepping stone to a career and bigger and better things.

My first day went well, I think. I made a couple of minor errors, but I chalk it up to being new and still learning my boss's style...which is going to be interesting, to say the least. Admittedly, I had a few reservations about taking the job, namely its serious lack of diversity. Ok fuccit, there are no black people there, or at least none that my naked eye could see. So, I was definitely hesitant about what the experience might offer. I've been in this position before. No actually, this experience is precisely the story of my life so believe me when I say I know it well!!!

Although, I was on alert all day for red flags, surprisingly I didn't find any of major concern. Lords knows I can smell deception miles away, so I was prepared. I will say again though, this will be an interesting experience for me, especially to see if I am really cut out for the 9-5 lifestyle and to learn if this is the direction my life is suppose to take. I often feel so conflicted about what I'm doing, what I should be doing and what I meant to do. Hopefully this new job sets all that jazz ablaze and gives me a real sense of direction.

I look forward to tomorrow and the rest of my days at STC.

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