Mar 9, 2005

10 things I can't seem to understand...

Today it hit me that there are just some things that some people do and/or say that I can't seem to understand how or why they do it; or even why they think it's appropriate or acceptable. I mean...I'm not always a thoroughly logical bitch about my shit, but damn; some people just flat out act with no rhyme or reason. Sadly, it's usually just the mundane, everyday kind of random shit that really makes me think that some folks are nuts. Examples....

#1. Why is that drivers who smoke while driving, think its perfectly ok to toss a lit cigarette out of their window while flying down Lake Shore Drive? Seriously, has it not occurred to them that some people have their windows open and a flying cigarette could quite possibly create a dangerous situation for the person driving right behind or off to the side of them? If one more lit cigarette hits my windshield while I am trying to safely arrive at my destination, I'm going to hunt somebody's ass down. Let that shit injure me in any way...

#2. Why is it that the djs on the local urban radio stations have nothing better to do during their 4 hour shifts, then create more stupid ass reasons to have some ignorant ass folks call the station on some bullshit? I swear, how many more "Put em blast", "Call a nigga out" themed hours can they come up with? You would think that since they do nothing but play the same 10 songs repeatedly, that they could at least come up with something of greater value and entertainment for listeners.

#3. And while I'm on the topic of radio...why is it that there is always at least one chick to call in on these programs to put her baby daddy on blast? It usually sounds a little something like..."I wanna put my baby daddy on blast for being a broke ass______." Ok, so your baby daddy is broke; I can feel the pain. That's some real shit if your child's father can't help provide for his seed; but doesn't that then make that chick a broke down ass female for fuckin' with him in the first place?

#4. Why is it that some people who try to sell there used shit on Craigslist think that they're are parting with diamonds? Seriously, if someone loved their bed so much and it's less than a year old and they paid $1100 for it; then why the hell aren't they taking it with them in their move from Roger's Park to Lincoln Park? Am I really supposed to believe that I am getting a gem for $900, or do I just have muthafuckin' fool written across my forward?

#5. Why is it that some folks think that it's totally appropriate to come to work in wrinkled clothes...and almost everyday at that? Do not they not realize that they work in a professional environment? Are they just running late every morning? Doesn't that suggest a need for a change in routine, like ironing the night before or getting up a bit earlier in the morning? If they are like me, a person who struggles to get up in the morning, wouldn't changing their wardrobe to wrinkle-free clothing be a wise investment?

#6. Why is it that hip hop heads in Chicago think that Kanye West is the truth? Why do people act as though he has saved hip hop? Why do they think hip hop has been saved? What does saving hip hop even entail? Why does the industry recognize him as putting Chicago and the greater Midwest on the hip hop map? Last time I checked he had to stand on the backs of all those Chicago and Midwestern rappers that came before him? First his ass get big-headed before folks could decide whether they like his shit or not. Then, he fuckin' produces half the industry, followed by 10 Grammy nominations and a fucking day declared by the mayor. That's some ass backwardness!

#7. Why do some of the black U of C students think that they are realest people on earth because they are from the hood and attend the U of C? Why do they think that attending the school automatically makes one smart? Yeah, it does give the illusion of intelligence and a certain level of refinement, but last I checked you actually have to do the work. Why do they not realize that their often "hoodlike" behavior is just plain ignorant? Why do they believe that they are keepin' it real? What the fuck is keepin' real any damn way?

#8. Why do some of my people refuse to accept that CONVERSATE is not a word? Why won't they stop using it no matter how many times you tell them? I'm not accusing, but seriously, folks need to deal with this issue. I've admitted numerous times in the past to several people that I can't seem to use juxtapose or nonetheless in sentence correctly to save my life. Yeah, I know what both words mean, but I still can't apply them in sentence correctly. As a result, I don't use them. I don't think this makes me dumb, just clear about my weakness.

#9. Why do people act like talking on a cellphone at the top of their lungs in public places is acceptable? Why do you almost always overhear some grossly personal shit that you didn't want nor need to hear? If that phone call is so personal and important, shouldn't the talker either wait until they get home or find a private space to have their conversation, instead of engaging the public in some foul "he say" "she say" bullshit?

#10. Why do people act like they don't that their kids are bad when they act out in public? Why do some parents always seem surprised? They know that their kids are some little devils who pulled the same shit in Target the week before. So why even pretend? Am I the only somebody that thinks unruly ass kids she be left at home? Hell, if they absolutely have to come, is it problematic that I think that they should be collared and on a leash?

I know y'all feel me! So tell me, what things don't you understand?



Abeni said...

Oh that cell phone thing irritates the hell out of me!What,people have no pride to be screaming their private biz at the top of their lungs? At times like those I want a law regarding phone use.And why do people have to take their phones to church and use them while service is going on?

I don't understand why some men call women bitch or whore when you refuse their advances.

I don't understand why people litter.

Jdid said...

if I cant use conversate can I at least keep politiking? :-)

And I feel you on the dress code at work ...even though I wear jeans every day :-). wrinkled is just not cool.

summer of sam said...

#2--i heard you putting your ex-bf on blast yesterday. don't front.

#4--hell yeah. i hate them niggas. it's craigslist, nigga!!!!

#7--what? you mean to tell me i ain't automatically smart b/c i got into u of c?

but uh...

i don't understand why they call places where you drive parkways and places where you park driveways.

i gots plenty more, but i've already taken up too much of your time.

chrome said...

cuing jadakiss tune "why" before commenting.

#1 used to be guilty of that. might've burnt a few cars

#2 cos these dj's get paid under the table

#3 hmmm topic of a post right thurr

#5 see these folks aint met u yet

#6 is 50 the new kanye west?

#7 cos real niggas go to school

#9 come meet my friends. hilarious

Anonymous said...

Girl this phone issue has gotten worse since they can out with them damn chirps. I hate those things. But the child situation just needs a few good parents to tap that ass while in public. But if they were tappin that ass when they cut up in school or at home they would already be trained. I firmly believe that with some kids you gotta put yo foot in they ass.

Anonymous said...

Another word that's not a word - "irregardless." It's just "regardless." I hate when people say "irregardless."

Anonymous said...

Speaking of car smokers, Why do people who drive and smoke do it with their windows rolled down? If you don't want smoke stinking up your car do you really think I want it in mine??