May 8, 2005

Happy Mother's Day Surprise...

So, I had every intention today of posting some elaborate gushy story about why I love my mother, but because of all of the exciting things I did today (NOT!), I was just too damn lazy to do it. I was thinking about doing a spin off of summer's post, 5 reasons we loves our mommas, but I was too lazy to even comment. Instead, I called my mother and wished her a simple Happy Mother's Day.

I spoke to her again just a few minutes ago (for the 3rd time today) just because I was sitting here completely bored. I casually asked her what she was doing. She responded "watching my Sunday night show." Now me, thinking I know my mother so well asked, "Judging Amy?" In case you didn't know because I've never mentioned it before, my mother loves "Judging Amy." I mean loves with capitals L-O-V-E-S! She even has my sister TIVO the daytime reruns, so that she can watch them in the evening to catch up on seasons past. My mother responded, "no, the L Word."

If you've never seen a black girl's mouth hit the floor, then you missed out because I was picking mine up and trying to put it back together. My mother, one of the biggest prudes I know, watches the "the L Word". She even refers to it as her "Sunday night show." The shock of this still hasn't worn off.

In just the few seconds it took her to say "the L word," it was definitely clear to me one of the reasons why I love my mother so much. She is constantly evolving. Though she is rather old fashion, she makes efforts to stay current and I loves it! She is ultimately not afraid to take a few steps outside of her norm and be a little daring. I have much respect for her.

I'll never forget the conversation (a few week ago) where she told me to "lean back" and "brush the dirt off my shoulders" a la Terror Squad and Jay Z respectively. I knew instantly she had been watching videos again.

Though I find it so funny, these are the kinds of things and moments that I cherish more than anything else. With just a few words, my mother managed to brighten up my lazy day with laughter and she's almost 3,000 miles away!


Abeni said...

Parents never fail to surprise you.Funny enough am hooked on Queer as Folk but just don't watch the L word.

Jdid said...

ha ha ha, lean back and brush that dirt of your shoulders thats hilarious

summer of sam said...

that is really dope that your mom evolves like that.

doesn't it make you feel safe?

nahmix said...

safe, not makes me wonder what's next with her!

summer of sam said...

by safe i mean the fact that your mom evolves with the times means she can adapt. so, like, you know, she's not so stuck in her ways to disregard you (or someone else) if you did some shit that wasn't part of her way of seeing the world.

i mean, i guess for me the fact that i can come to my mom with anything, that she's done damn near everything makes me feel really safe. like, i know she'll love me no matter what. i don't feel the same way about my dad (biological father) and his side of the family--as if part of their love is conditional.

so i guess what i'm saying is though watching the l word may not translate into real world acceptance, it sorta indicates that your mom can fuck with shit that ain't technically on her radar.

iono. open-mindedness comforts me.

sorry for working out my own shit on your blog. i doubt i've made any sense. but you know i'm a bit depressed, so, whatever.

nahmix said...

@Abeni...I just couldn't get into Queer as Folk. mom tries hard to integrate lyrics into her conversation every so often. I usually fall out laughing.

@Summer...I know exactly what you mean. Though I laugh, it's usually out of appreciation for efforts and possibly because of my own underestimation (not sure if thats a word) of her. She's amazing and it is comforting to know that! I know that you're shitty right now, but it'll get better, I promise. Call me if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

I feel you and Summer completely. The mother that tries to go there with you; that's the best type of mother there is.